Today, is a new day.
A day where you can pretty much use other measures, besides the natural ones, in shaping one's body into the shape desired.
Just go to a mirror right now. Take an overal examination of ones self.
Don't have any boobs? Well...what the hell are you waiting for? Go buy you some.
Need more *ss? Well, dammit they have those too.
Do you need a temporary butt for the night girl (heeeeyyy) or are you going for the gusto, and really just would like HELP growing your own??
Well nowadays there are quarterly injections you can get to you know...get that butt you always wanted.
Its like you can't miss. If you want new lips, a new neck, or a new pinky toe. Holla at them FOLKS cause I guarantee they have something for you to fix your said "body issue."
Now, if you are a woman with any MEAT around your rib section...lil back fat? hmmm?? I can even vouch for a little of that *shy*
Well, if you havent been approached by these determined salesmen of this GARMENT, then you must be hiding in a hole away from all existance because....
like my homie Marc Law says...."THEY BE ON THEIR GRIND"
Now please, I beg that no one be offended by this blogpost. Please this is what I do. I have these weird thoughts from time to time, and this blog is where I can just release.
So sit back, and listen.
For about two weeks (2009), I was hounded by my very first Body Magic sales person. It was actually middle of last year. I will not expose whether this was a man or a woman, but I'll tell you what.
By the third week of harassment, I was dodging cell phone calls, deleting inbox messages, and even peeking at the end of grocery store aisles, praying that I wouldn't be spotted by this...
hard working...
go getter of a Body Magic Sales Person.
They were on their grind so much, that I'd run into them in the strangest places. Well, I ignored, and ignored, until ONE day, I was approached by someone I actually respect in the business world.
I decided to listen just a little bit about the sales opportunity. Now, what folks don't understand is, no matter how GOOD a product is, you job is to sell.
You. Must. Go. Super Hard.
You know? To make someone come out of pocket.
On the spot.
A person can list a million things about how good a product is, but in order to SELL it, you have to really go in.
What I mean by going in is, you have to lightly harass. But you do it with a smile.
And then you make this person believe that something they didn't like about themselves or a situation will change for the better...if they what?
Buy what you have for sell.
I do the same with my books, no matter how great and impactful I believe Life's Gamble is.
I have to sell it.
Now, I went to see my first demonstration.
Of the much talked about "Body Magic" garment.
First off, I wanted to see this. Because I said to myself 4 inches LOST, in 5 minutes....
um...then what?
I'm like a size 8, meaty (aka thicka than a snicka - lol) , and my waist could use some trim. So, by all means, MY eyes were glued to the stage like those of Odie's of Garfield or something.
Wide awake at what was about to be presented.
Now this woman was larger than I was. Maybe, a size 16 or so walks up to the platform. So I say to myself, "Hmmmm.....I wanna see this sh*t."
Sure did.
Now, she went on to say that she would be the model blah blah blah...
Get on with the show, I'm ready to see the hourglass shape y'all talmbout.
So she goes into the bathroom, with her body magic garment tucked PROUD, like a U.S. citizen at inauguration and....came out in exactly TEN MINUTES.
Apparantly she didn't need any help in her body magic.
She got that sucker on alone.
From what I was told it takes an army of five to put it on. So I was impressed once the door swung open.
The finished product.
I was NOT impressed.
Lord forgive me for this confession but I swear.....it only pushed MORE OF HER...to the TOP.
Nah mean? (lol)
Like imagine a YOGURT tube, or even a tube of lotion.
You squeeze the bottom and all of the lotion goes to the top. Depending on how flimsy the packaging is, your squeezing may make the top of the bottle look a little swollen.
That was how ole' girl was looking.
So she walked around, and I'm thinking. The only thing that is missing is a mo-hawk, a rope chain, a wife beater, and some bow ARMS...and she'd be looking like Mr. T. flexing off his muscles.
No foreal.
So I sat back and was just quiet. Afraid to say, "Ummmm...I don't see any positive results."
Were her sides smoother??? Sure they were...no lump signs of side fat.
Could I see in between the gap of her arms and her waist? Sure I could..
Maybe her clothes fit a little better...but she didn't drop any sizes to me. In fact, she reaaaaaaaalllly didnt look any smaller.
Oh and I knew that would be me all day.
So fast forward............................................to today, and my reason for not buying into this "magic" garment.
Damn, a boxy ass body magic. (I'm already broad in the dang shoulders) If I could be hired and hit off with an ADVANCE as a benchwarmer on the N.O. Saints, in one, then MAYBE I'd consider.
Now, maybe I just had a bad experience, because I've seen some women with one on and they looked marvelous.
These women were also no bigger than a size 8 originally.
All they really need to do, like I was to lose a few inches, naturally.
B.C. that fine, cool brother who you been dating for the past two months (IN-SUIT *snicker) will ONE DAY see you when the mu'flicker comes OFF.
Then what?
Let it marinate, and if you can do it naturally...go for it man.
Love you too *muah*
*Oh P.S.*
LOOK OUT FOR MY NEW WEBSITE http://www.theauthorchakara.com/
thank you ; )
for those that want to get a BodyMagic for themselves check out my site...www.reviverestorereshape.com
ReplyDeletethe BodyMagic is just 1 of the products they we offer...I am sure we have something that will work for you and help you reach your goals.
I want to say that I recall an "In Living Color" episode where the guy in the skit goes home with a girl after the club and when they get there, she first has to remove her prosthetic leg, then her wig, then her fake butt, and etc. while he is standing there looking horrified, lol. No offense to anyone who dons any of these items, but who really wants to be that girl? If buying Body Magic, or doing whatever to your body to make yourself feel better, then by all means, do you boo. And going back to what you said 'Kara, why go through all of that to 'pull something', when eventually, they are going to have to see you without it? You should want someone who likes/loves you and your body just the way you are. Coming from someone who hasn't been a size 8 since I was 8, trust, there are a lot of guys out there who like their women 'fluffy'.