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Thursday, April 29, 2010

You Date Him? You Date His Mom Too. Get Down Or Lay Down.


I know that some of you can tell, just by my title that....this is that ole bull-ish.

I ran into this topic, yesterday as I listened to the moaning of an associate talk about how her new friend's well...

LISTEN UP. I'm just going to share a common scenario with you.

That's right.



You meet the guy of your dreams. He's a complete sweetheart. Mannerable, respectful, well put together, nice career, nice salary, no kids, no ex-wives, or baby mama's, all limbs the same length, etc....

You are completely taken away, floored by his charm.

He approaches you, and propositions you with a date.

Something simple, and of course you accept because well.....You WANT HIM BAD.

He has none of the average flaws that your quest to find a man is normally interupted with.

So, why not?

You guys hit it off big time. He tells you everything about him, and you LOVE IT.

He talks about how his mom is everything to him, and he doesn't know what he would do without her.

His father, not so much praised, but mommy is definitely the only queen in his life. She was a divorced single mom, and he values that.

He should.

Now, during his first disclosure of such a sweet relationship between him and Mom, you're loving it.

I mean a man who respects his mother to the upmost will respect any other female.


I mean isn't this what we were always taught?

So, you're just bragging to everyone about this guy.


He is just HOT SH*T in your book, and you are even daydreaming of wedding bells with this man, after dating him for a lengthy six months.

He's been to your place.

You have been to his.

Sex has already naturally INTERVENED, and everything is even seeming to be going as planned.

In fact, he's feeling you the exact same way. He loves how you praise the fact that he is a mama's boy, and respects that woman the way that he does.

This is when he goes in for the killer suggestion.

The moment that will have a woman literally scrubbing allof her impurities away from her skin, the day before the actual event.

He announces...

"I want you to meet my mother."

Now, its only natural that a woman feels a little jittery at the mentioning of having to meet the mother of a man she really likes.

Because what?

We all want to be liked by the woman who made our man.

In fact, we hope that this woman adores us, like a daughter she never had.

Oh she has to. (You know this is what we think.)


It doesnt work out that way.


You meet her.

She greets you cordially, but somewhere along the course of the meet n greet, you figure out that




No matter how much you smile and use your manners.

She doesn't like your *ss.



What do you do?



Your beau, he knows mom dukes doesn't like you either.

He's not going to tell you. He will only make excuses up as to his mother "being the way that she is."

But you know.

Deep down inside you can sense that her "hello" isn't sincere.

The way she laughs around you is pushed out, like a bad actress on Broadway.

She's faking the funk, because she has already determined that she's not feeling you.

Oh but wait.

She will tell her son this too, because that is her baby.

He's perfect and every single woman should want him because he's basically flawless, without a ring on his finger.

She understands her son is a hot commodity.

He loves his mother, and he often goes to her for advice. She will continue to remind him that YOU are not what he needs in a woman.

Oh yeah. Once or twice a week.

She will.

She will advise him that she shouldn't just stop at you, no matter what he feels.

He should venture out more, see what else is out there.

After all, "You are a good man, Son." (Or something mushy to that effect lol)

When she really wants to say, "leave that heffa alone, she's no good for you."

Now at this point, you have to come to some realizations.

First off, this woman has buckoo power over this man's thoughts, because he praises her dearly, worshipping the ground she walks on.

Any woman can see that.

He has even said it out of his own mouth. You know? That his mother has always been the person he could ever talk to about anything.

The only woman who has ever been able to completely understand him.

All of that *sh was SWEET, when you first met him.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, on Queen Mommy not liking you.

Those words remain as sharp as box cutters, piercing into your ego something serious.

In fact, you find yourself stressed out wondering to yourself.

"How in the hell do I compete with his mama!!"
Then the reality sets in.



You want to continue dating him, but you don't see your relationship going anywhere.

Every date, there forward, feels like a complete waste of time.

Life wasted.

He was the one.


But now, y'all are having discussions about the things his mother has said and they are turning into light arguments.

Then they get deeper.

No longer light arguments, but all-nighter pillowtalk heated discussions.

So deep, that now, dating him has become a migrain affair.

You may even be going bald EARLY. ; /



What are you going to do?

Date him and his mother?

Or get lost?

I think we've all been here before. Even I can admit to this, once upon a blue moon.

And well...

The only advice I can give you if you ever run up on a man who is such a mama's boy, that he really wont BLINK before being advised by her.

is to...

Well, how can I put this in simple terms?


run for your freakin life.

Mommy monsters are dangerous to our egos.





Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"And then POW The Body Magic Comes Off..........."

Today, is a new day.

A day where you can pretty much use other measures, besides the natural ones, in shaping one's body into the shape desired.

Just go to a mirror right now. Take an overal examination of ones self.

Don't have any boobs? Well...what the hell are you waiting for? Go buy you some.

Need more *ss? Well, dammit they have those too.

Do you need a temporary butt for the night girl (heeeeyyy) or are you going for the gusto, and really just would like HELP growing your own??

Well nowadays there are quarterly injections you can get to you know...get that butt you always wanted.

Its like you can't miss. If you want new lips, a new neck, or a new pinky toe. Holla at them FOLKS cause I guarantee they have something for you to fix your said "body issue."

Now, if you are a woman with any MEAT around your rib section...lil back fat? hmmm?? I can even vouch for a little of that *shy*

Well, if you havent been approached by these determined salesmen of this GARMENT, then you must be hiding in a hole away from all existance because....

like my homie Marc Law says...."THEY BE ON THEIR GRIND"


Now please, I beg that no one be offended by this blogpost. Please this is what I do. I have these weird thoughts from time to time, and this blog is where I can just release.

So sit back, and listen.

For about two weeks (2009), I was hounded by my very first Body Magic sales person. It was actually middle of last year. I will not expose whether this was a man or a woman, but I'll tell you what.

By the third week of harassment, I was dodging cell phone calls, deleting inbox messages, and even peeking at the end of grocery store aisles, praying that I wouldn't be spotted by this...


hard working...

go getter of a Body Magic Sales Person.

They were on their grind so much, that I'd run into them in the strangest places. Well, I ignored, and ignored, until ONE day, I was approached by someone I actually respect in the business world.

I decided to listen just a little bit about the sales opportunity. Now, what folks don't understand is, no matter how GOOD a product is, you job is to sell.

You. Must. Go. Super Hard.

You know? To make someone come out of pocket.

On the spot.

A person can list a million things about how good a product is, but in order to SELL it, you have to really go in.


What I mean by going in is, you have to lightly harass. But you do it with a smile.


And then you make this person believe that something they didn't like about themselves or a situation will change for the better...if they what?

Buy what you have for sell.

I do the same with my books, no matter how great and impactful I believe Life's Gamble is.

I have to sell it.

Now, I went to see my first demonstration.

Of the much talked about "Body Magic" garment.

First off, I wanted to see this. Because I said to myself 4 inches LOST, in 5 minutes....

um...then what?


I'm like a size 8, meaty (aka thicka than a snicka - lol) , and my waist could use some trim. So, by all means, MY eyes were glued to the stage like those of Odie's of Garfield or something.

Wide awake at what was about to be presented.

Now this woman was larger than I was. Maybe, a size 16 or so walks up to the platform. So I say to myself, "Hmmmm.....I wanna see this sh*t."

Sure did.

Now, she went on to say that she would be the model blah blah blah...

Get on with the show, I'm ready to see the hourglass shape y'all talmbout.

So she goes into the bathroom, with her body magic garment tucked PROUD, like a U.S. citizen at inauguration and....came out in exactly TEN MINUTES.

Apparantly she didn't need any help in her body magic.

She got that sucker on alone.

From what I was told it takes an army of five to put it on. So I was impressed once the door swung open.


The finished product.


I was NOT impressed.

Lord forgive me for this confession but I only pushed MORE OF the TOP.

Nah mean? (lol)

Like imagine a YOGURT tube, or even a tube of lotion.

You squeeze the bottom and all of the lotion goes to the top. Depending on how flimsy the packaging is, your squeezing may make the top of the bottle look a little swollen.


That was how ole' girl was looking.

So she walked around, and I'm thinking. The only thing that is missing is a mo-hawk, a rope chain, a wife beater, and some bow ARMS...and she'd be looking like Mr. T. flexing off his muscles.

No foreal.

So I sat back and was just quiet. Afraid to say, "Ummmm...I don't see any positive results."

Were her sides smoother??? Sure they lump signs of side fat.

Could I see in between the gap of her arms and her waist? Sure I could..

Maybe her clothes fit a little better...but she didn't drop any sizes to me. In fact, she reaaaaaaaalllly didnt look any smaller.



Oh and I knew that would be me all day.

So fast today, and my reason for not buying into this "magic" garment.







Damn, a boxy ass body magic. (I'm already broad in the dang shoulders) If I could be hired and hit off with an ADVANCE as a benchwarmer on the N.O. Saints, in one, then MAYBE I'd consider.

Now, maybe I just had a bad experience, because I've seen some women with one on and they looked marvelous.


These women were also no bigger than a size 8 originally.

All they really need to do, like I was to lose a few inches, naturally.


B.C. that fine, cool brother who you been dating for the past two months (IN-SUIT *snicker) will ONE DAY see you when the mu'flicker comes OFF.

Then what?


Let it marinate, and if you can do it naturally...go for it man.


Love you too *muah*



*Oh P.S.*



thank you ; )

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"I love Him..I love Him NOT" Confessions of a Confused Serial Dater

This post here is for my single successful ladies, swimming thru the sea of comittment trying to find LOVE amongst the fast pace life of climbing the success ladder.

I am one of them.


And, on top of that, I'm a piece of work alone.

I write, and anyone can tell you that writers are extremely STRANGE people.

Now, I'm just going to list alot of my hangups and maybe you have the same when dealing with guys.

1. I have a really screwed up "type" of guy.

Now, unfortunately an urban twist of a man is preferred. His pants should not dangle underneath his buttox, but his pants must also be free to ROAM around in as well. We'on do that skinny jean stuff over here. A fewjean brands give or take, but not super duper SKINTY. His attitude must be attitude-repellent. He must know how to handle the type of woman I am, and he cannot be soft spoken or timid. Aggressive men normally do the trick, but well....agressive guys arn't always the best pick. I find this to be a hang up.

I end up with assholes who were only agressively sweet at the beginning.

Then their film wears off.

2. I don't allow anyone where I live, plus I'm busy...sooo.

About 20 percent of all of the men, I've ever dated know where I rest at. Call me shell-shocked or whatever, but I had a terrible experience when I was twenty. I don't like people knowing where I close my eyes at. It's some type of weird paranoia, I'm sure.

I'm working on this, but this doesn't help when dating. I like ALWAYS meet my beau wherever we will be eating. He doesn't get the opp to pick me and take me out, like traditional dating. LOL

3. I'm always on my laptop and often, I don't answer my phone when I am.

The internet, blogging, and writing are my LIFE, aside from my busy bee 6 year old (mentioned in #4). I make about 75 percent of my sales via internet promotion. Also, I'm in an office Monday-Friday 9am-5pm, and I value my independent interent time. Hmmph. And, right now, I have to put that on the forefront. My latest date buddy often says says, "Aw lord, you must be on your computer", once the uncomfortable sound of *crickets* come thru the phone, while we are supposed to be "talking". I do it unintentionally though, and I understand this part of me needs work.

4. I have a kid. She is my road dog, and she bites.

My daughter is six years old, going on 80. She does not bite her tongue, nor does she hesitate to ask me questions about anything. Including a stranger who may be showing a liking to her mommy, her #1 fan. So, this makes things hard b/c at the dating "stage", I'm not so sure that I want to answer questions from the inquisitive brown girl. At dating stage, a guy isn't really conversation material. My daughter doesn't need to ask questions, because he's not worth explaining to her at that moment. Not that I may not like him, its just that he's in that stage where...well my kid doesn't need to know you. You are seperate from that part of my life, until you prove you meet all necessary requirements. Now she is always with me, so that sort of narrows the time I have available to date. Reason this being a "said" hangup.

4. Finding brothers with reputable J.O.B.'s.

Everybody can't be a rapper, or a trapper, or a entreprenuer minus the actual business. I present to you the main reason I fall back. If I meet one more Gucci Mane protege, I'm going to scream, and it won't be "Gucci! or Brrr!!!". Let's face it, everybody can't be a rapper, and Lord knows I can't do a trapper. Peace and hair grease to the struggle and all that, but will the real "JOB HOLDERS" please stand up. The first step to being an entreprenuer is actually OWNING a business. You are not a business man because you carry a briefcase with notepads and BIC pens in it. Where is your real business credit? Where did you go to school again? Oh okay....lets get with it. Go!

5. Brothers and their baggage!

Hi, my name is "Ms. Single Lady", but I will NOT be baby mother number THREE, jumpoff number FOUR, or rescue haven housing lady for BIRDHEAD MEN. Nope, I'm not going to be able to do it ; /

Now, it is a recession. Note taken. On top of that, I do understand that black men are not highly favored, as job candidates for many positions. So, I do empathize with the strenuous task of finding work in the U.S. and being a black man. I do.


Some of them have no reason to be 25+ living with their mom, driving the car of their baby mama's (while she's at work), with two other alternate baby mamas, and not a THING to call his on, but a closet full of Pradas and Gucci. Dammit!

Oh and that brother always looks damn good doesn't he? Of course, he has all the latest style of fashion because this brother has NO REAL BUSINESS. He can afford to buy all of the latest styles without a real job, because...well he has no BILLS. Ugh.

Then he starts to stutter at the questions: What do you do? Do you have kids? Have you ever been married?

Go figure...moving right along.

Now.......these are like the man hangups...

I have others...but I will not bore you with my ranting.

Now a few of these things I can't change.
Others eh...maybe I can.

But I confess.

Hi, my name is crazy writer person,

and I am a serial dater for the listed reasons.

Pray that other like me get it together, and most of all...pray that the micro selection of men out there get it together FIRST.

Love seems so far away sometimes.

"I love him, I love him NOT...NEXT!"

I know that one day I'll shake this craziness.



Irv Gotti Says if Rick Ross Would Have Signed With Him Instead Of Jay Z..He'd Be Selling 2 Mill In This Recession

Excuse me while I finish laughing.

Go ahead and watch the clip on (my source). Just search
Irv Gotti and Rick Ross.

In the words of Ja-Rule

"Holla Holla!" LOL

Now Irv

Irv Irv Irv!

Let me top this discussion off by asking the most important question

Where in the hell is Lloyd?

I particularly hate when a person comes in after the fact, after things are all said and done, and talks about what they coulda done or how things would have been better (if).

I'm going to put myself in Rick Ross's shoes, cause I like to role play.

Let's feel this scenario out.

Now according to Irv, when Rick Ross put out his first single "Everyday I'm Hustlin'", every label was calling the guy to sign.

He says that when everything boiled down, Ross had the choice to sign with either Irv Gotti or Def Jam (Jay Z).


Lets weigh it out. Shall we?

Def Jam

Irv Gotti'en Em.

Def Jam

Irv Gotti'en Em.

Who would one sane in the rap world go with?

Enuff said.

You know this whining about the past is becoming an annoyance, similiar to the whining of a little league team of young boys.

Now Gotti gave some useful tips about signing contracts with major labels and all that. I respect that, but to say what you could have done with an artist, when YOUR artists are playing benchwarmer right now, is like..........

whats the word....ummmmm......


Yeah that will work.

Now I wonder what your team would say about that. What would Ja Rule say about that clip?

What about Ashanti?

Huh? Huh?

Lloyd? And Lord knows I love me some Lloyd, but where is he?

Delkab Mall?

Maybe....bring Lloyd back FIRST Gotti. THEN


MAYBE I'll listen to your rants.


(all love)

Im Audi 5000



Friday, April 23, 2010


Now I had a situation yesterday, that made me fly to my blogspot.

Even though, alot of my time has been consumed with wrapping up "Hard Dreams", with re-writes and what not.

But enuff is a *uckin' NUFF.

The Southside of Raleigh is where I originate, and frequently I visit fam on that side, during the week and of course on the weekends. Now, the reason for the PSA is because of some of the bs I see not just on that side, but everywhere in Raleigh-Durham,

It has to stop.

Being that I heart where I come from, I focus on that side.


Cause quite frankly, the next idiot is going to get his ass handed to him.

With the same saggy imitation designer pockets attatched to it.

I'm too damn old for this *hit.

Often, I'm approached inappropriately by some of the worst Lil Wayne proteges there are. Golds (*ding*) in their mouths, dreads that could replace Goodwill toy velcro, and outfits that are as hideous of a drunk man's artwork.

Where they do this at??...well...apparantly on the Southside. (love yall

Now my beef is not for the reserved young man, whose slightly tacky in his chosen style of dressing, comes from a rough setting but still knows how to talk to a lady.


I'm not talking about him.

I'm talking about the "I ain't neva scared", "I'm not rich but I'll pretend", "Knuck if you buck", "I got all my goons with me", imitations of THUGS, with skirts located underneath there Tom John jeans.

Yeah THEM.

The ones who stand outside of my hood's local convenient store, posted up like a window display, with the attitude that everyone wants me, because dusty samples of women have somewhat

BIGGED that head up.

Why you mad son?

Yesterday I was disrespected so hard, that I couldn't do anything but laugh.

Then offered a hug.

Then re-nigged by saying SIKE.

Ha-ha (you shoulda been there.)

He saw me first.

Cause dammit he sees everything coming in and out of that store.

That's where he is everyday.

Posted up, a magnet to a tresspassing charge.

Cause you know RPD told him to take his ass home numerous times.

Probably caught a few citations here and there.


He approached me with some broken form of a greeting, sprinkled with a little bit of "*IGGA is you SERIOUS". (*ding*)

It went sorta like this "Damn, that joint is fat. You need to let me take you out. *thumbs threw knot of 1's*"

; I <<<< *my neutral face*

Now most certainly, a comment ALOUD, in front of four or five other American citizens, only made the situation worse for lil homie.

Because as USUAL, I did my infamous ignore, without laying so much of an EYE on the dirt dobber with a pocket full of one-notes.


When ignoring goes wrong.

He wouldn't stop, because the fake jewelry and thick knot, on a busy crackhead Friday, had him amped.

So he went in for the kill.

Well, he went in to get handled.

This is what he does.

When I didn't respond.

He goes.

"Oh word. It's like that? Hahaaaa. Well fuck you too then. Shit, I'on want no bourgeois bitch anyways. Aint that right cuz? (he asks while dapping up the equivalent HOT mess beside him)."

By this time, the entire line is waiting for me to respond.

So *uck it, cause its Thursday, I aint on no clock, and well...I just felt like doing something different for a change.

I did this in the name of ever tired woman who has been approached by a sensitive thug with a temporary GANGSTA film over them after five oclock on a work day.

"Awwwwww, I'm sorry I didn't give you the response you wanted. You wanna hug? *arms fly open".


One would think that he would throw me a "PSHHH" and keep it moving.

One would think that he wouldn't want the offer, being that obvious sarcasm was tossed out there.

But, often we are wrong.

He bit.


He said "Hell yeah."

And...well....upon smelling the overwhelming scent of Newports and stale dreadlocks on him, once his arms spread.

I went in for the kill.


Courtesy of 1990 Millbrook Elementary school bus creations.

It made such a comical finale.

The entire store was laughing.

It was petty but dammit it felt good.

Can you say 1up?

Thanks for listening to my RANT people.

And just to wrap this up for the sensitive thugs who all need hugs, but will not say so,

but instead they chose to disrespect a sister who may appear gameless, in her daintiness....


I'm one of the originators of YOUR type game.

Ask Keenan and Mac AKA the best lil brothers alive. (lol)



Friday, April 16, 2010


Terrance J from 106 N Park that is.

Thats right.

Sources are saying that Terrance J. is dating a COUGAR!!!!

Not the *amn animal folks.

For those who don't know what a cougar is, its simply an older very attractive woman who likes her meat young and tender.

And well, according to sources and this photo, Terrance J. has been seen out numerous times with Valeisha Butterfield, best known as the rapper Game's former fiance'.

Oh yeah.

Now, I know Terrance. Whether or not he still "knows" me would depend a number of things. LOL (Hi Terrance!)

Terrance once lived Raleigh, NC...and hell well...we were in ninth grade together.

He was a very sweet, humble, and very mature guy.

He was awfully quiet, but when I think about how he was back then (still realizing that people change), I said to myself...."Hmm. I could really see him with a mature woman."

Now dont get the game chopped and screwed because Ms. Butterfield isnt just some groupie cougar now, homegirl works with the Obama Administration, as Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the International Trade Administration. (whatever that is. either or it sounds good so...)

Now wouldn't you like to get like Terrance?

I'm talking to these men out there who call themselves "playas".


Arnt you wondering to yourself how in the hell did the dude who plays and dances on 106 and Park everyday pull a chick like that?


I dont know, maybe you should poke him on facebook.

Hit him up on twitter.

Ask him for some *amn tips.




Thursday, April 15, 2010


excuse my language but


Now I read in NY News and on Media Takeout about a man who has been charged with MURDERING his own 7 month son, by punching him in the chest to toughen him up.

Source claimed that he believed that the boy was too much of a mama's boy, so he punched the baby in the chest. As a result of the trauma, that beautiful baby boy lost his life.

Now here is the part that made me the most angry: New York no longer has the death penalty, so this man recieves life in prison for killing a baby.

Now, let me cool off, cause when I think about this *hit, it makes me extremely ANGRY.

Men, what is it about boys and them being themselves??? I see this so much, especially in the places where ignorance trails police cars and such. You know, my hood and your hood?

Men trying to push their gangter attitude upon their own seeds, aka their babies. I remember hearing back in the day, that this dude paid this woman to put her crackpipe addicted lips on the private part of his seven year old son.

He even boasted about it saying, "Let that man get some head", to anyone who questioned him why.

That man? First of all a child is not required to be anything but a child. What is up with the male species, forcing this male macho syndrome on their kids, subjecting them to a life time of mental trauma and confusion?

We gotta do better, because unfortunately folks, this dude was black. I see stories day in and day out about my own people doing things that are a disgrace to all mankind, and our poor babies, the future are paying for OUR ignorance.

I don't agree with his penalty, but HOPEFULLY, he will catch a few to the chest his *amn self while he's on Riker Island.

While you read this, understand I'm PISSED and feels like stories like this should be brought to the forefront. The minute you want to toughen up your child, because of your own fears, remember this story. Yeah, your situation may not ever reach this extent, but its the same mindframe that gets us here.

This man was a true idiot and I hope he feels at home in his new cell block.

Peace out

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Womp Womp
I guess Kelis was right when she said, "My milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard", because she brought those boys alright, Benjamin Franklin, Lincoln, Grant, and Washington.
Nas was just ordered to pay Kelis and child 700,000 in child support.

Like my homie Orie says, "Dat rite".
According to documents filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Nas had to immediately fork over $47,249.42 in back child support and $40,454 in back spousal support.

The judge also ordered Nas to pay $10,000/month in spousal support until he pays off the $299,015.50 he owes Kelis. Nas also has to pay 90% of Kelis' legal fees in the amount of $155,787.28.

YIKES. Whenever I see numbers like that, I check my surroundings for lottery winners and judicial officials. The government are the ONLY folks handing out numbers like this.

Lord, I love me some Nas!! I just put my "I AM" Cd back into my collection from bumping it all last week. Now look.
Nas said "Money was his *itch", years ago, and well....I'm sure he was calling her all types of names now.
She proved her *itch qualities in this nightmare hunny.

Now last but not least, because the number continue, Nas has to pay $48,549.83 to cover Kelis' accounting expenses.

Boomshakalaka lakaaaaaa.
Shopping spree and I want Kelis to be my new Bestie.
Kelis if by chance you come across this girl EMAIL ME!!!
I can tap dance, cook, clean, um......make milkshakes??


Now my question is, was this some type of vendetta approach?? Do the women of rich men who do them wrong, lean back in a leather chair, rubbing their hands together like praying mantises, planning to rape their opponent of as many chips as possible?

Look at Shani, Shaq's ex wife, she's getting hit off as well.
Now someobody comment and tell me to shut the heck up, but I can't help but wonder.
Then I also can't help but wonder if these men see stories previous to theirs, and think about signing prenups and things.

Cause now Nas might have to go back to Sugar Hill and try to find AZ, link up with Foxxy Brown and bring their trio back out for sales.
Or maybe he can get a role in a new film, similar to Belly, and act terribly to get some change.

With one fist in the air, Nas baby, I wish you well on your comeup from this healthy loss. Holla at Jay Z and tell him to stop frowing up at his fans, and bring that nineties rap back to the game.

My advice to these rap game successors who cant keep their male assets tucked in their appropriate places, do like Fabulous said and "Throw it in the BAG", because you dont want to create real live CRUMBSNATCHERS. (lol)

Till next time.

Swalla back.

Xoxox Chakara

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kitty Kelley Gets The Hater Of The Week Award For Oprah's Tell All Book

What up folks. I would like to introduce Kitty Kelley to you.

Kitty Kelley, a forty-seven year old American Instigative Journalist, who Time magazine says "too frequently fails to bring perspective or analysis to the fruits of her reporting and at times lards her work with dollops of questionable inferences and innuendos."
translating into: She brings BS to the table.

This time, she's going in for the kill and BAMM (via Kita lol), she has definitely crowd herself with the Hater Happy Meal Hat.
That's right.
You go out of your little way, researching the LIFE of another person.
Bad media and all.
Now you want publish a book on what you researched and found someone's life to be about, without consulting the actual person being written about person to person?
Now, Kitty Kelly told a source that she conducted 850 interviews & read through 2700 interviews done by Winfrey. She said her overall project took her four years to complete.

Did she go in or what?
Hating is a full time job where one must do research to make sure their ASSumptions sound almost believable.

Now some might say, why am I so sure of crowning her hater of the day.
Why is this making you so mad?
Well not only did she write a biography on a stranger's life, she called up her father and had her father say some equally hateriffic things about the media mogul.
That's right.
Kitty made it her business to FIND this man, and help him hate on Oprah as well.
He began pointing out that he believes Oprah spends way too much time with Gayle.
I don't understand everyone's beef with Gayle.
Maybe its cause they want to be Oprah's best friend instead?

Anywhoo, Vernon Winfrey, Oprah's father lashes out by saying, from an excerpt leak of the book, that Oprah no longer accepts Jesus Christ as her personal savior.
That is your daughter.
In many other instances, in his interview he refers to Gayle as a "heiffer".

Now maybe he's mad that the allowance that Oprah ONCE gave her parents wasnt enough compared to all of the other dough she gives away year round.
I dont know but check this out.

In an interview with a source Mr. Winfrey said in reference to his daughter's religion:
She may be admired by the world, but I know the truth. So does God and so does Oprah. Two of us remain ashamed.” [He then pointed to a sign hanging above his barber chair that read: "Live so the preacher won't have to tell lies at your funeral."]

Thats pretty serious right there. Is he calling his own child the child of Lucifer?

But then in contradiction to his crazy religious pointing-the-finger shenanigans, he goes on to comment on how "Stedman can't be getting any of that".
What in the world?

Oprah, tell your daddy to sit his *ss down.
By all means, he is a hater too.
Nobody told him to stop at cutting hair and owning a barbershop in life.
Now by far, Kitty is the one who came up with the idea of trying to expose this lady of things others say about her, but
If old Vernon had written and published the book, he'd be neck and neck with Kitty.

Kitty Kelley, often referred to as the author of "kitty litter",wears this week's Hater Helmet.

For her lengthy travel, down the road of someone's life, thru books, only to produce a book that holds so many other hater qualities and dumb *ss comments and opinions.

And thats it.

Xoxo Chakara

Master P Monday: "Y Would U Go Back And Die N The Ghetto, When U Already Made It Out Of It?"

all together folks can we say

Master P, is such an astonishing inspiration to people like me. Men like Master P, know where they have been, and know exactly where they want to go.
And they get there.
Trust and believe that "getting there" takes vision backed by strength and determination.
On that journey to success, alot of distractions will cross our path on that journey, especially when you come from a not-so-dream-filled environment and past.
It's up to us, and the level of willpower to avoid those barriers at all costs.

I ran across this audio clip of Master P talking, on a very viable resource, (WorldStarHipHop.Com). Master P began talking about Lil Wayne and Baby's physical appearance, and how their mistakes of placing tattoos and other markings on their faces will stunt their career longevity.

He says, and I quote: "What is it going to be after this?"
In other words, he's saying, whats going to happen when your age creeps up on you, and you look like a shoved around Scribble bear. You know what a scribble bear is stop playin. (lol)
My daughter has two of them.
Her and her lil homegirls have all written things all over their poor little faces, now none of them want to play with them.
Womp womp womp.
A classic example of diminishing worth.

Master P also says that, and I paraphrase: "When I was in the hood, I always told kids you don't want to be like me. See where I am, and know where you need to go. You don't want to be like me."

Now how many, in hip hop today, let kids know that they should strive to do better? Not many.
In fact the common, "get like me" dirty south mindset is presented in most songs, as rappers elaborate on their flashy diamond filled lifestyles.
Do we ever stop to let those following behind us know that, there are ways to go around what I went through?

I love hip hop like the next, and even I admit to needing these types of public service announcements to get me back focused as well.
What I went through, is the main reason for why I give back to my community.
I know what it felt like. Master P knows what it felt like.
To be stuck doing the same old same old, under the same harsh environments.
That's why we chase after our dreams.

He even touched on C-Murder's murder incident. He says that it isn't wise to keep a lot of negative people around you. He goes on to say that keeping negative people around you will place you up back where you started.

Quote: "Why would you go back and die in the ghetto, when you already made it out of it?"
Did you hear that??
Couldn't have said it any better. I see so many get out, with an opportunity that most will not get, but they go right back and get caught up in the traffic of their old surroundings.

Once you get that opportunity you are supposed to soar with it. Do no linger and most importantly surround yourself with positive people, because when you surround yourself with anything less you end up in situations that can put you back at square one.

The same people in the ghetto who will praise you for lingering around with them, in the hood being up to no good, will be the same people who will pretend to be confused and say "You are so stupid, why did you come back here with us?"

How about that.
No longer your road dog at that point, but a participant in your laughing stock.
Everything you dreamed of catches two slugs, and now you're right back on the porch.
At home.
All gone.

I don't want my future (children behind me) experiencing that downfall.
I'm here to help them stay reminded of how to rise beyond.

Like Master P says, we as artists and entertainers must continue to push the positives of "rising beyond" to the forefront. We want to lead the blind to a more safer successful place in life, not to a place that will leave them non-existent.

Thanks for listening and don't forget to check out the audio file on, my source:


Friday, April 9, 2010

Recycling Trashy Male Counterparts; Friday Scenerio

Now...I'm not the one to knock love.
And time and time I like to re-hash stories with in depth BS to them, just to get feedback from my partna'dem.


But I know you seen this type ish.
So check it out.
Today's Scenerio.

Man A and Woman A are officially a couple, AKA, they are together when its daylight and he allows people to know that she's "his." Women B has had her eye on Man A, for a minute. Plus, Man A, is errywhere (his main girl aint NEVA there), so he is identified as being a single man.

Well, single when he's out on the town and "wifey" is at home. (Roger DAT?..ok lets continue)

Man A isnt married, in fact the only thing he's doing is shacking up. Fortunate for him, Woman A, has been carrying Man A afloat, all the time with her secured employment, benefits, and squeeky clean credit. Woman A is a bit naive of course, keeping him in those rides, with her cosignage.
Uhmmm hmm. Oh you thought that Man A (with the unidentifiable employment) had enough SWAG to go to a carlot and pull that New Benz alone? Hmmm. I think not.
Lets continue.
Eventually the rumors from Man A's healthy nightlife fun are too much for Woman A to swallow.
He's been sited leaving certain well known social places with women of all flavors.
Even though he has ALREADY let her go in a sense, she officially decides to let him go as well.
Dish him from her system.
Because if she doesnt then eh....she could end up with a rack of problems like disease, misfortune, etc.
You know that main reason alot of us women drop sorry no good men.

So now Man A is a free agent and Woman B, goes all the way in. No life jacket.

So many questions for Dummy B, I meant Woman B.

1. Why?
2. Why?
4. Why?
5. *repeat and number until tired*

Um, he will use you.
And lets be honest, some women don't care.
And I'm good with that, but stop with the fake Flavor Flave *ss love.
Only 72 hours into screwing the man and now the Facebook Stats change.
No ring but yall are married, even add the link of his page on YOUR JOINT.

Stop recycling empty pocket BIRD HEAD MEN.

Yeah I said it.
Their you go.
Swalla that.
Cause meanwhile he's cheating on you.
His clubbing habits will not stop, and eventually you will hear the rumors as well.
Only this time, you are the dunce in the "wifey" chair, getting played like a wife of a professional athlete, minus the divorce settlement.
You mad?

You thought he would be your pot of gold, even though you found him at the end of a black rainbow?

But you knew his profile. You were attracted to his outgoing vibes in the party atmosphere. You were intrigued by his designer rags, partially paid for by the woman you wanted to be replace.
I mean isn't that what you wanted?

He is not PRECIOUS enough to WEAR YOU.
Remember men WEAR US. We are like prize trophies to most men, in and out.
You know, when the CLAIM us as the one.
Make sure their value exceeds yours.
In other words, if he's not morally on your level, or has a history of bagging, using, and leaving women.

So stop recycling bird-head men.
I'm so sure its bad on the ozone in some way.
Write your current representative on this matter.
Stank you.

-Buh bye


Whoopi Goldberg Says "Yeah I Cheated When I Was Married. And What?"

Whoopi Goldberg? Whoopi Whoopi?
Whoopi "I'ma shave my eyebrows so I look crazy as hell" Whoopi?
Well I'll be damned.

Apparently, sources say that things got a lil "turned up" on the set of The View, when the alleged Jesse Jame's infidelities against his wife Sandra Bullock came up. “It’s nobody’s fault. Maybe he was looking for something different,” Goldberg says, without an ounce of guilt in her dialogue.
Now I knew this little bald faced lady was gangsta, but not this damn gangsta.
Whoopi was a P.I.M.P. Who would have ever thought?

She also said “Hey, listen, I did it five or six times."
“Yes, I screwed around. Yes, while I was married. I made those mistakes, too, yeah. It happens sometimes. It happens…Maybe he wanted something wonderful in his life but couldn’t deal with it.”

Talk about keeping it REAL. And here I was thinking that I would be crowned as queen of that. LOL. She also admitted to having tattoos. Seven of them joints at that! I'm sitting her shocked. Whoopi has always been a hoot to me, but I would have never thought of such rebellion.

Could you imagine a young, hot-to-trot Whoopi out on the town before the fame? Maybe she used to draw her eyebrows, back in her prime, then said "to hell with it, I'm rich *itch."

Spooky looking lil lady when she wanted to be, but nevertheless I loved her in Sister Act and Ghost. Kept me rolling.

I wonder what the heck the hubby and boyfriend number 2 looked like. They got played by a woman, whom if she stood with her back to you, you'd mistake her for George Hinton (minus the Nikki Menaj highlights). Love you Whoopi!!!!!!!!! Don't hit me, or shave my brows.

I think I can wrap this up as a lesson to all men. Don't get played. Women have more game than Nintendo Systems, and the scariest part is that they're so good, that u probably would never find out. Even chicks with no brows bag jumpoffs. Ha.

Ra Ra Roger THAT One Buddios.

That's today's entertainment gossip from your GIRL

Swalla Back



Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm not really able to be explained. (lol) If I had the choice to keep only one of my senses in would be my sight. For as long as I remember, the old man in the worn down sneakers and yard sold blazer, briefcase held tight in his hand, dignity invisible the other, gave me a reviving boost of "go get it" energy. The stern faced woman, who sat beside me on the bus, and scrambled up bus fair for her five small bundled children gave me a desire to pave the way some more for my people.

I was observant. Never could help that. Never offensively rude, but I kept my blinkers on. (lol) Some how or another a stranger's worries were easily depicted by my senses. In creative art, their expression of "struggle" became my soul's project. At an early age, I easily became inspired to use my artistic abilities to give back to those in trouble and in need.

I did alot of things I'm not proud of.
Luckily love saved me from those distractions and I was blessed with a bundle who'd love me for life.
Planned? No.
Definitely not, I was pretty clueless.
But I love every decision my maker decides on.
He is Greatness.

Who is Chakara?
Childhood consisted of alot of serious health conditions involving my most prized possession.
Confusion wasn't the words to describe a sister before I turned a mere twelve yrs old, and all of my sadness beat my confidence level down to a pulp. My aunt will tell you that you could barely hear me talk. Tears poured out hospital visits, as I wondered when my mother would be back home.

I was just sad man.
No one ever hugged me and told me things were going to be okay.
My biological father wasnt timely THERE.
I hugged my brothers and lied to them, not knowing if what I was saying was true.
But mom's setbacks and hospital visits put my predictions to shame for a short minute.

Things got alot better for Mom as time went by.
It took a minute for that specific pain to wear off.
Then straight into puberty I went.
Flying, bucking, yelling southsidddddddde till I die.

New Bern strip, fast cash, and Jacks Seafood.
All my potential childhood "boyfriend" candidates were trappers.
I was more of a rose sketched in graffitti, way too hard to cop a goody boy and sit down.
I was rebellious than ever, copping boyfriends with felonies and training school records.
Picking up things I swore I'd never consume in my own body, hiding them outside of my own crib, just so I wouldn't catch a right hook from homebase.
Learning was a passion of mine, so school was somewhat of a vacation to me.
I kept my troubles supressed as long as I remained in the two bedroom duplex.
Thirty days after I gripped my high school diploma (& prom queen title ha.)
I rode out, throwing up dueces in the rear view mirror of my boyfriends car, at the dictatorship going down in my crib.
I wanted out.

Seventeen and DONE with what I thought my parents wanted me to do and On My Own.
Now this is when things began to sizzle.
First Crib, First Car, First Nine To Five, First Boy Comfortable Sleepovers
All On My Own
And my head became really big from that.
Streets see me.
First Real All Nighters.
First Charge.
Red Beams. All Black.
Army machinery.
Loud shouting
Thats all I can vividly remember.
Always been smart so let me try college. Cause my bank teller job was HISTORY.
Hard as hell, no revenue coming in.
Dropped out.
Part Two.
Lost Crib. Had nothing.
Now I'm homeless.
Fronting though, cause I got "hotel room" money. Wowzers.
Grind Hard, all day.
That was all I knew to do. Crazy close minded.
Flip this, flip that.
Straight determined to get that snow ball big.

But finally......
I let all of that go.
Pushed it as far away from me as it could travel.
Old "friendships" dissolved like Koolaid. Everyday "around the way visits" ceased.
Moved on in with my big bro and love hit me me off with a cup of "slow down."
Thank GOD for him.
After being dropped on my knees by the uppercut punch from life itself.

I kept right.

Now almost ten years later, I'm here. Wake County vested employment, indy author/writer, aspiring actress, community activist, Wake County Library featured Author, and proud mother of an outgoing and free spirit six year old girl.
Some ask me how I did it.
Some times I'm not even sure, but one thing I was sure of was my purpose.
I'm now able to combine all that I've been through, in order to find clarity in my reason for being on this Earth.

And like Jeezy said
"And I luv ittttttttttttttt"

Follow me on twitter

And all that...

I have so much to tell....enjoy the blog



The Tale Of The Three Stooges (Jesse, Tiger, and Tiki)

Yeah Yeah Yeah. I know yall heard. Now, Tiger don't look too bad now huh?

Tiki Tiki DUMBO gets the dummy award for today.

Lets do a recap. Just for those who have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
Now, I'm only like 18 (lol), so I dont know many details on Jesse Jackson and his shenanigans (simply cause I wasnt checking on homie like that), but I'll tell you what. I've always viewed this man as a grandfather of some sort. Dunno why.
When I personally heard that he was someone's baby daddy, I vividy remember regurgitating. Can you say yuck-o. Not just someone's baby daddy, but also a husband and a vital token in Civil Rights history. I think this was not only a shocker to myself, but his freakin peers, like my Grandma. He could have hollered at HER. She can cook, and she knows how to keep his butt in LINE. PLUS, all of her kids are OLD, and she cant have anymore. Eh? Food for thought? I kid. I do. Love you grandma!!!!
Then along came a spider named Tiger. Millions of dollars wasnt enough for this brother, nooooo.
He found a new found love, in women who all shared a similarity. I'm going to let you fill that blank in, cause I'm already in trouble. lol So just like a domino effect, mouths peeled open like Chef Boyardee cans. After Tiger was chased out of his own house, with what was said to be his own golf clubs, the party began.
He was caught red handedly by his wife, with the old cellphone snoop antics and BOOM. Out came one, out came two, out came three, and so on. For atleast a week, it was like some tragic Jack In The Box game show, and all the contestants had blonde hair. Very weird and disturbing. But anywhoo.

The media had the afterparty and went IN on Tiger. He withstood all he could withstand. Even went in front of the public and apologized to fans and supporters.
Dummy move.
Did you sleep with the public Tiger? Did your backstroke help you in any championships? Noooooooo. So why say I'm sorry to a bunch of people who are going to pick on you tomorrow?
Save it.

We are over you Tiger. We are on Tiki Now. Tiki Tiki "Dumbo" Barber. Now Tiki, I used to like you.
I did.

But now breh', I've disowned you. 23 years old man? By the time she knows what the hell she wants in a man, you will have already splurged your NFL remainings, after the courts kill you in child support for your upcoming babies and two sons.
And poor poor wife!
The karma a man recieves from putting his pregnant wife thru unnecessary drama will be hellified. I'm sure of it.
Then the little tramp continued messing around with this man, and covered up her cheating with being "the babysitter".
Now if that excuse didnt win her a beatdown from somebody in the projects, I dont know what will!!! She was coming around the kids with the nastiness. Oh hell no!

Sources also are also saying, that Tiki's silly behind wrote a damn recommendation letter for his young "hot" mistress to land an internship with NBC. Atleast the only job Tiger gave his mistresses was to "blow". (lol)

But really, on a serious note: Tiki you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Eleven years with this woman, two beautiful sons, and twins to come, and you cash all that in for a 23 year old tramp? That don't add up partner. I think she's using you, and that NBC internship you placed your penmanship on, will get her a man half your age and none of the baggage you have.

So, I'm going to wrap this mess up with one simple phrase because I'm getting annoyed.

"Don't be nobodies fool"

That can be applied to the defense and offense to all of these situations.
Tiki, pay that support.
Jessie retire your ASS-ets.
and Tiger *pumps one fist* keep knocking HOLES in one, not your ONE in holes.

Im Audi 5000

Till next time

