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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Should Tiki Barber Be Allowed In The Delivery Room?

Let me think about it.................

Still thinking................



Why not?

Question is it that all of a sudden the birth of your child deems to be so special to you though? I mean, when your eyes were sizing up the "barely legal" young lady and his wife's belly sat on explode, did childbirth seem so damn special then Tiki?

I think not.

This is just another lousy case of "men" FRONTIN for the masses.

He messed up BIG time.

Knew this once he STARTED the affair, now that the baby is on his/her way, its time for him to ACT RIGHT.

Fill that absent void of a father not being there.

Only thing is, Tiki's silly *ss is LATE.

See, no one should be denied the right to see their child born. Whether it be the mother or the father, but there is this thing called respecting when one *ucks UP.

Tikki doesn't care anything about the emotional heartache his wife is going through, ALONG with childbirth.

I can't blame her for NOT wanting him in the delivery room.

He represents nothing but infidelity and slut behavior.

While being in a room sedated by drugs, naturally going through pain, or whatever, NOT ONE woman would want to look at the man who left them eight months pregnant for a damn teenie bopper damn near.


So, yes, I feel this woman's frustrations.

Tiki is a NUTHOUSE.

He's selfish and will battle with karma something serious.

Any man that inflicts pain on the woman who is carrying their child, and then continues to torture that person by trying to be involved too early after his lying/cheating episodes is pure scum.

A karma target.

Men are so silly at times.

They commit this horrible crime of infidelity and then they keep on piling on toppings to the scenario.

Tikki's ass just doesnt know when to quit.

Now some might whine: "He's the father"

"He has every right."


A father to me is someone who deems the childbirth AND prenatal care and health of their pregnant spouse (or mate) enough to act like a real man.

Now, some also might say, that we don't know why he left his wife.

Maybe it was something she was doing.

Well, you know what maybe your right.

But doesnt the damn timing seem just a lil bit off?

He leaves this woman, foot swollen, belly weighing a ton, peeing every five minutes, for ANOTHER woman.

Eight months into her pregnancy.

Then demands to be in the delivery room

Ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I'm gone laugh.

Yes sir.

I'm going to LAUGH when karma knocks on that DOOR.

Yes Yes.

Anyways, you've all been tuned in to this morning's celebrity gossip.

Share your thoughts.




  1. This man chose another and it somehow justifies the pettiest display of bitterness a woman can muster? You don't want him there as a father because he hurt your feelings? But let's be sure she's not gonna turn down a child support check. Regardless of timing in leaving or the age of his new girlfriend neither is really an acceptable excuse. Don't see this as karma, this is bitterness at its worst. The man was there, if he hadn't showed up then he would have been all kindsa sorry SOBs.

  2. And what about her selfish behavior? Karma swings both ways. Sad how women will use their children as a pawn to play emotional games. His obligation is no longer to her, its to the children that will one day sit down and try to understand how spiteful their mother could really be on a day that should have been shared with their father.

  3. IDK, I totally understand her actions bitterness or not. We all have choices and hers was not to be bothered with who didn't want to be bothered with her. The sad thing in this issue and many others is... Does it really benefit the well being of the child? We parents are responsible for ensuring our children get the best we can offer w/o our issues. Now that is easier said than done. She will collect the check and he will pay Once again consequences and repercussions for actions. They both need to think about it...the child is gonna be grown saying mama said this and daddy did that, oh and the media said, taking all that bs and mess into his/her life.
