All of my life, I've heard the infamous "blood is thicker than water" cliche', and today I bring it to the forefront.
Family, is the makeup of one's relatives and is supposed to be one's own natural network of those who hold them in a special place in their hearts.
Friends are relationships that one must earn, or work on building with a stranger of their liking?
We tend to build friends in those areas that interest us the most. Those who attend church and church activities tend to build friendships with those who participate in the same thing.
We tend to build friends in those areas that interest us the most. Those who attend church and church activities tend to build friendships with those who participate in the same thing.
Then we all have those childhood friends who we played with many years ago, but still kept in touch with. Those are very dear to us as well.
Or, one who plays sports alot, will normally build friendships with his/her jock colleagues or buddies.
It is what it is.
So, you see, with friendships we have a CHOICE, of whom we want to befriend.
Whereas, with family, you deal with the cards you are dealt.
The crazy, the senile, the snobby, the fat, the skinny, the childish, the jealous, the loving, or whatever.
You get what you get, and you live with it.
Pop aspirin if need be.
That's your family.
Now, the question at hand is: Is blood really thicker than water?
I'm going to give y'all my answer, in a minute but hold up.
How many friends do you have?
Personally, I can count all of my true friends on just my two hands.
I value those people like they are worth zillions, because in my book, the value of them being here for me when I need them, is priceless.
You can't put a pricetag on it.
Man, my family stretches from Conneticut to Georgia, and I wouldnt even know WHERE to begin, in counting them all.
They're everywhere.
Now my answer.
Blood is indeed thicker than water, BUT some kinships are a lil anemic.
You know what I'm saying?
I mean I have an aunt right now, that if I even muster up the word "favor" with my lips, she'll give me that "nigga please" look proudly.
Still love you auntie (wink.)
And, I have an aunt who will swim the Atlantic to come rescue me. (well you know not really, but you get the point.)
I hate to admit it, but when there is something really personal I gotta lift off my chest, and need the nonjudgemental companionship of someone, I WILL NOT call most of my family members...
Why? Because most of them have already made up their minds about "how I am" years ago. Despite how many changes, I morphed my way through, my family still believe they "know how I am."
Nothing I say to them is new to them, because they know how I am.
*stomps on the ground*
Alot of the times family, does't take not of change in one another.
Some of us still believe that lil John, is still lil John who used to play basketball and get mad when he loses. Well, lil John is now standing six feet five, very good at basketball, and has learned over the years to brush his bad attitude off in games.
Did family really know that? Nawl.
LOL. Family members have stuck with the last memory they had of this brother, and never changed it.
What about his friends? Of course they do, they also know his favorite movies of today, and what type of music he listens to.
Hell, even I think that I know particular close family members to the TEE.
When maybe I really don't.
Especially when the only time I see them, is on holidays, special events, or at family reunions.
So, with that said.
There is no way that NOWADAYS, in this busy place called "WORLD", that ALL family is thicker than frienships.
There is no way.
Alot of us have family stretched all over the world.
This would be impossible, although we hate to admit it.
This is my opinion, so note that.
Its not for family members to become offended either, but its a wake up call for family members to re-kindle "genuine" friendships with those family members they LOVE and CARE for alot.
Get to know your cousin again, because I'm sure he's changed since y'all were twelve.
Build that friendship.
I would like to know what others think.
Is blood really thicker than water?
Are the relationships you have with your family members stronger than the bond you have with true friends.
Lets talk about it.
I say no because the family that i have consist of not very many blood-relations. Due to adoptions,marriages, etc... Only about 45% of my 'blood' is actually 'blood'. But regardless of that, they are my family and i could never not own them for ANY reason. That being said... like my comment on FB, I've seen times when my very own blood played me dirty, did me wrong or could but refused to be there for me in times of need. Yet I have a few real friends that have ALWAYS been there to ride it out with me, no matter how bad i f***ed up or no matter the circumstance...