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Monday, May 3, 2010

Ladies Do We Need Bullet Proof Vests To Reject Men?

Men, first off, I'mma need you guys to stop getting upset when a woman doesn't give you the response you expect to get. (teehee. no foreal.)

In D.C. Fox News, a college student was just recently shot, and she says it was because she refused to give a guy her phone number.
Read this little clip:

The young woman, whose identity has been protected, told police she was leaving a party in southeast Washington early Sunday when a man asked for her number.

“He told my cousin he was going to shoot at us if I didn't give him my number and then he started shooting,” she told authorities.
One of those bullets struck the student as she ran away.

It is still lodged in her ankle. Surgeons will decide how to remove it.Police are still searching for the suspect.
My first reaction: What!

Then I came back down to earth, recounting some of the many times I thought that I would see bullets fly after I've turned down some ruggish thuggish mad man, yelping behind me about how much money he has and blah blah blah!

I'm happy to announce that this young lady will recover but FELLAS!!!
What is REALLY the deal?

This world has truly evolved when we have men who are willing to risk being on death row for getting a damn phone number.

Which may NOT even be the real damn number. (I've given out a few fake ones in my day)
Women, do we need VESTS on after the club?

After leaving the mall?

The gym?

This article puts me in the mind of Marlon Wayans on Dont Be A Menace While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood.



1 comment:

  1. I think men need to get over themselves. I believe there are 2 types of men who react like this: Spoiled ones who are not used to hearing no; or slightly psychotic ones that have been told no too many times for obvious reasons. They need to realize that one of the milestones in becoming adult(which you need to be for someone worth having to actually want you)is learning how to take rejection and still walk away with your dignity.
